Thursday, February 5, 2015

My Projects: Vintage Sewing Pledge 2015

The Vintage Pledge hosted by A Stitching Odyssey and Kestrel Makes is back! I'm very excited about it this year, as I will be starting at the beginning of the year. Last year, you may remember, I had only discovered the Vintage Pledge 2014 in May. I was amped up about it and made a peasant blouse but then my sewing machine (that I had had for over 20 years) died. It wasn't a happy time. 

A few months later, I got a new machine. A Janome HD-1000, that I love! I made some items for my Etsy shop and worked on my pencil skirt pattern, but never dug back into the vintage sewing I had set my sights on. The next thing I knew, it was the holidays! 

So here we are, 2015, and I'm ready to pledge again. I have pledged to make 5 garments. I have already decided what they are. Here's my plan! 

Simplicity 6341. 
I have bought some white cotton for this. It's basically a Swirl Dress, so what is not to love? I can see this being made in several summer fabrics and being my essential summer go to! 

Butterick B4919. 
I love everything about this. I want to find a cotton stripe fabric and start with the shorter length.

Butterick B5895.

This is a Pattern by Gertie and I'm sure you've seen this on every vintage sewing blog. Now it's my turn. I hardly ever wear pants, so this should be pretty interesting. I am counting this as 2 entries. The top I will make in red & white gingham and the pants in a red stretch cotton satine. Fabrics already purchased. 

Vogue V8812. 

Can you tell I love summer dresses? I want a floral print for this one. If I love it, I will remake in lots of other fabric choices for sure! Undecided on the bolero. 

Will you join in? I hope so! 

Next week, I will be sharing more of my pattern stash, and hopefully I will start a muslin or two! Well, hopefully at least one. 

1 comment:

  1. i just joined the Vintage Pattern Pledge! I saw your pattern for that first Simplicity dress and fell in love with it! I am looking forward to seeing everyone's projects!


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