I shrieked with delight when I discovered this treasure trove! Jalougallery.com has the complete archive of the fabulous French magazine
L'Officiel de la Mode from 1921 to 2009. The database is complete with every issue in flip through style. You can view the images in full screen view and zoom in to read tiny text. The images are beautiful, educational, inspiring, and a great way to practice you French! Here is a tiny collection of the hundreds of pages to sift through.

OH WOW! Thank you for sharing such inspiration and knowledge!
oh my, what a fabulous resource. Thanks for the great find!
TNX for sharing
I hope this is all right...there's a lingerie giveaway contest happening at the blog and I'd be delighted if you enter! :-)
It's so brilliant that all of those gorgeous and inspiring images are available. Thanks for the info :)
What a treasure trove!! Thanks!
Fabulous Finds Gal
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